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hey, nice to meet you. we're

check out what we've been working on...
McDonald's recently launched the Collector's Meal globally.
Each meal comes with 1 of 6 collectible-themed cups, which feature iconic collectibles from over the past 70 years.


see full campaign here!


following the chaos of his birthday in the US, Grimace ran away to Canada to find inner peace

after weeks of "laying low," he could no longer resist sharing his favorite milkshake with all his new friends

and to celebrate it's arrival, he hard-launched his DJ career on Instagram live
the shake sold out in
the first week.
the syds

here's some more social content we've created for McD's


it's the little things that count, even when you're as big a brand as Ford
these are weekly print & digital insertions we wrote and designed to be published in Automotive News
a.k.a. New York Times for people who love cars a little too much


evidence that we contribute major vibes to the office

the playlists they use every day at WKNY

sydney christensen
25, art director, loves
grandma crafts and bagels with butter and jelly.

sydney illum
23, copywriter, loves
ambient lighting & people watching in the park.
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